Clear + Brilliant®
The revolutionary Clear + Brilliant fractional laser technology, offered at Skinspire Laser & Skin Clinic, rejuvenates your skin from the inside out, with results that can last for months. And with benefits that range from tone and texture enhancement to zapping away age spots, it’s basically the one treatment to rule them all.

Series of Treatments
Smoother, younger-looking and give you that “radiant glow”
No Downtime
A fresh, youthful look without social downtime
Non Invasive
Clear + Brilliant® is non-invasive – no cutting, no needles
Noticeable Result
Routine treatments deliver noticeable results that keep others guessing your secret

Results that Matter
Clear + Brilliant® is a popular option among younger patients who want to get a head start in the anti-aging game. It also may be appropriate for people who wish to improve the tone and overall condition of their skin without significant side effects.
What Is Clear + Brilliant?
Clear + Brilliant® is a type of fractional laser, similar to Fraxel®, that creates thousands of tiny pinpoint beams of laser energy to penetrate skin and stimulate the skin’s regenerative process from within. Fractional lasers typically require less downtime than other types of lasers, since the microchannels they create are surrounded by healthy, untouched skin. Although these lasers are gentler, their results are no less significant when performed as indicated.

How it works?
Clear + Brilliant®works by creating hundreds of thousands of microscopic treatment zones in the upper layers of the skin, which replaces damaged skin with healthy looking tissue and yields younger-looking skin.

As we age, the collagen that keeps skin firm breaks down, resulting in sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles.
Clear + Brilliant® is typically administered with the use of a topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable throughout the brief, 20- to 30-minute treatment. Your provider passes the laser handpiece over your skin as it emits pulses of laser energy. This energy and the microscopic injuries made beneath your skin stimulate your skin to repair itself, which includes the production of new collagen. To increase the laser’s effectiveness and speed up the healing process, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) taken from a small amount of your own blood can be applied to the skin.

Benefits of Clear+Brilliant?
Clear + Brilliant® treatments are safe and effective for all skin colors and types, and can produce the following anti-aging benefits:
The skin is softened, smoothed, clear and glowing
reduce Signs of aging and sun damage
diminish Appearance of enlarged pores
stimulate New collagen growth
restore Youthful skin tone
How long is a Clear + Brilliant® treatment?
Clear + Brilliant®treatments take about 30 minutes or less.
How many Clear + Brilliant® treatment are needed?
The number of treatments is tailored to your concerns and skincare desires. In recent studies, consumers reported visible improvements after 4-6 treatments, though many patients choose to have routine treatments as part of their overall skincare regimen.
When do Clear + Brilliant® results appear and how long do they last?
Within a week or two after one treatment, your skin will star to feel softer and look brighter. Results can last for months depending on age, skin condition, and how you protect your skin.
Can I get Clear + Brilliant® treatments if I've already had other procedures?appear and how long do they last?
Clear + Brilliant®treatments may be complementary to many cosmetic procedures, like fillers, Thermage treatments, or even Botox.
I have had corrective laser treatments, is Clear + Brilliant® right for me, too?
Yes, absolutely. Clear + Brilliant® treatments may be a great way to protect the investment you have made in your skin by maintaining, extending, and helping to continually improve upon your results.